
Masters of Science in Applied Computer Science

Course Title Status
CS 6231 Database Systems I Not Started
CS 6232 Database Systems II Not Started
CS 6241 Software Development I Not Started
CS 6242 Software Development II Not Started
CS 6251 Web Technologies I In Progress
CS 6252 Web Technologies II Not Started
CS 6261 Advanced Tools and Techniques Not Started
CS 6311 Program Construction I In Progress
CS 6312 Program Construction II Not Started
CS 6910 Project I Not Started
CS 6920 Project II Not Started

Bachelor of Science in Mathematics

Course Title Status
ENGL 1101 Composition I Completed
HIST 1110 Introduction World History Completed
HIST 2111 America to 1890 Completed
MATH 1111 College Algebra Completed
MATH 1113 Precalculus Completed
POLS 1101 American Government Completed
PSYC 1101 Introductory Psychology Completed
CS 2301 Programming Principles I Completed
ECON 1100 Global Economics Completed
HPS 1000 Fitness for Living Completed
MATH 1190 Calculus I Completed
ENGL 1102 Composition II Completed
MATH 2202 Calculus II Completed
MATH 3260 Linear Algebra I Completed
PHIL 2200 Ways of Knowing Completed
ART 1107 The Arts in Society:Visual Art Completed
ENGL 2110 World Literature Completed
MATH 2202 Calculus II Completed
MATH 3322 Discrete Modeling I Completed
ANTH 2201 Introduction to Anthropology Completed
MATH 2203 Calculus III Completed
MATH 3310 Differential Equations Completed
MATH 3390 Intro to Mathematical Systems Completed
HIST 2112 America Since 1890 Completed
MATH 3332 Probability and Statistics Completed
MATH 4391 Complex Variables Completed
PHYS 2211 Principles of Physics I Completed
MATH 3390 Intro to Mathematical Systems Completed
MATH 4345 Numerical Methods II Completed
PHYS 2212 Principles of Physics II Completed
SOCI 2201 Principles of Sociology Completed
MATH 3261 Numerical Methods I Completed
MATH 3395 Geometry Completed
MATH 4260 Linear Algebra II Completed
MATH 4361 Modern Algebra I Completed
MATH 4322 Discrete Mathematics II Completed
MATH 4381 Real Analysis I Completed
STAT 3010 Computer Appl. of Statistics Completed
ANTH 3301 Human Origins Completed
IT 2101 Computers and Your World Completed
MATH 4381 Real Analysis I Completed
HPE 3300 Personal Health Behaviors Completed
MATH 4345 Numerical Methods II Completed
STAT 3120 Statistical Methods I Completed
ANTH 3307 Cultural Anthropology Completed
ENGL 3035 Intro to Lang and Linguistics Completed
COM 1100 Human Communication Completed
CHEM 1211 General Chemistry I Completed
CHEM 1211L General Chemistry I Lab Completed
ME 1001 Intro to Mechanical Engr Completed
ME 1311 MATLAB for Engrs w/Application Completed